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Pure silver Ag999.9˚ ingot

Silver pendant

AThe silver plate with the symbol of the tree of life is made of Ag999.
A unique gift!
You can engrave.

We have a custom frame for this plate, which can be placed in it to be worn as a pendant.
You can choose it separately.

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Price 59,00 €

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Data sheet

Metal:Sterling Silver 999˚
Weight:~ 3.80 g
Width:15 mm
Length:24 mm
Product color:White silver


More info

Silver is not only a precious metal, but also a necessary trace element for the normal functioning of the body. Works prophylactically, strengthens the immune system. Use a pure silver plate with "silver" water to treat gastritis. Silver ions are actively involved in the regulation of metabolic processes and protect against acute respiratory viral infections.
Use the plate to purify water or keep it as a keepsake. Use as you wish :)


Sidabras 999 ir 925

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      Pure silver Ag999.9˚ ingot

      Pure silver Ag999.9˚ ingot

      Silver pendant

      AThe silver plate with the symbol of the tree of life is made of Ag999.
      A unique gift!
      You can engrave.

      We have a custom frame for this plate, which can be placed in it to be worn as a pendant.
      You can choose it separately.


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