Jewelry box Wedding ring boxes.Gold color.The inside of the box is...
Jewelry box The gift box is designed for a set, or just for earrings, a...
Jewelry box The gift box is designed for a set, or just for earrings, a...
Jewelry box Color - silver. Cardboard box with a beautifully coated...
Silver pendant Silver pendant-frame into which you can easily insert a...
Silver pendant A cross of minimalist design. The other side of the pendant is evenly polished. Silver pendant A cross of minimalist...
Silver pendant Silver pendant
Silver pendant Russian Orthodox cross with a stably attached loop. Silver pendant Russian Orthodox cross...
Silver pendant Silver pendant
Silver pendant White silver pendant with Zircon. Silver pendant White silver pendant...
Silver pendant One side of the cross is evenly shiny, the other with ornaments. Silver pendant One side of the cross...
Silver pendant A silver cross with a beautiful, bright ornament. Silver pendant A silver cross with a...